Elizabeth Sylvester

Actor Singer Artist


Elizabeth is a New York-based (musical) theater artist. She graduated from the Johns Hopkins University, where she majored in creative writing, minored in theater, studied voice at the Peabody Conservatory of Music, and generally did not sleep. After completing her degree, she took a deep breath . . . and spent all of one flat minute before diving into training at the National Music Theater Institute of the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center. There, she was able to focus entirely on the process and joy of creating theatrical pieces from the ground up.

Elizabeth does have a special love of helping to create new work, but also spends a good deal of time with the classics (both old and new). With a high-toned voice capable of everything from the classics to jazz to contemporary, Elizabeth is a versatile performer. (And make sure to ask about her "Grumpy Cat" impression! It's super embarrassing.)

Elizabeth currently works summers at the New York State Summer School of the Arts, School of Theatre. She is in perpetual mourning for the fabulous website, "The Toast."


Photographer: David Noles Photography